Ep. 106 Jen Starling – Painting, Collage – Mixed Media

Jen Starling talks about art co-ops, business, support for the Arts in the US as compared to other countries, the catalyst for becoming a full-time Artist, discipline, finding her voice, problem solving, transition, incorporating collage into her work, exploration, vulnerability, identity, her upcoming solo show “Confronting the Void,” art festivals, teaching, goals, and confidence.


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Ep. 028 W. Max Thomason - Painter of Realism & Abstraction

Wes and Todd visit with artist and gallerist, W. Max Thomason. They talk about his journey as an artist, the different series he has explored, promotion and pricing, and then we change gears and talk about his gallery, Bitfactory, how it came about, the mission of the gallery, the studios that he runs in conjunction with the gallery, and the business side of having a gallery.


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