Ep. 106 Jen Starling – Painting, Collage – Mixed Media


This week, Wes and Todd talk with Jen Starling. Jen talks about art co-ops, business, support for the Arts in the US as compared to other countries, the catalyst for becoming a full-time Artist, discipline, finding her voice, problem solving, transition, incorporating collage into her work, exploration, vulnerability, identity, her upcoming solo show “Confronting the Void,” art festivals, teaching, goals, and confidence.

Join us for a thoughtful and stirring conversation with Jen Starling.

Check out Jen’s work at her website www.jenstarlingart.com

Follow Jen Starling on social media:

On Instagram - www.instagram.com/jenstarlingart/

Catch Jen’s work in person at Pirate: Contemporary Art and G44 Gallery.

Confronting the Void: A solo exhibit of mixed media work by Jen Starling

December 3rd – 19th at Pirate: Contemporary Art located at 7130 W. 16th Ave, Lakewood, CO – www.pirateartonline.org

Opening Reception – December 3rd, 6-10pm
Artist Talk – December 17th at 7pm

G44 Gallery – 121 E. Boulder Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 –

Take an online class with Jen through the Kara Bullock Art School -


Ep. 107 Elle Naef – Content Producer & Strategist at PBS 12, Co-Founder & Producer of Head Room Sessions


Ep. 105 Autumn T. Thomas – Interdisciplinary Artist, Wood Sculpture