Ep. 178 Johanna Mueller – Printmaker, Relief Engraving & Mixed Media Printmaking
Johanna Mueller discusses being an entrepreneur in her youth, having a strong work ethic, the printmaking community, Frogman’s workshops, wood engraving, printing presses, Wonderhand Studios, Hatch Show Print, what intrigues her about printmaking, process, holy cards & playing cards, the Bible & the birth of modern pornography, experimenting & exploration, MO’Print, the thought behind her work, Jackalopes, the Sangre de Cristos, subliminal messaging, topographic maps, Wyoming, icons, fetishes & totems, art residencies, Siqueiros, Beth Cavener, the Greeley art community, pricing, editions, collage, selling art and the importance of connection.
Ep. 168 Marisa S. White – Fine Art Photographer, Photomontage
Marissa S. White discusses pancakes, digital art, AI, art festival categories, photomontage, portfolio reviews, process, technology, the compulsion to create, the encouragement she received in her youth from her father, the support of her husband, Surrealism, Magritte, clouds, Carl Sagan, meditation, spirituality, sizes of work, fear, goals, gallery representation, business tips, social media, art scammers, commissions, Art Store Fronts, PX3, contests & awards, exhibitions, and boldness in photography.