Ep. 144 Billy Ludwig – Digital & Mixed Media Artist

Billy Ludwig discusses the art scenes in Miami and New York, Art Basel, art fairs, digital work, photoshop, mixed media, process Lucasfilm, compositing images, Star Wars vs. World War II, research, the importance of authentic representation in his work, getting flagged on Instagram, being invited to Okinawa, Japan by the Marine Corps, Vaudeville Phantoms, Galactic Samurais, art in his youth, having an addiction to ideas & being creative, music, the compulsion to create, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., emoting through art, abstract art, Thirteenth Floor, and rules.


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Ep. 113 William Stoehr – Face paintings; Erasing the stigma of addiction through art.

William talks about his life before retiring as President of National Geographic maps to become a full-time Artist, the catalyst for painting his large faces, finding a mission for his art, addiction and stigma, art and neuroscience, process, his hybrid digital painting, NFT’s, the future of art, Picasso and Cubism, intuitiveness and intention, self-portraits, and how art can move you.


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