Ep. 074 W. Max Thomason aka Bill Thomason– Bitfactory Gallery

Wes and Todd talk Contemporary Oil Painter, Rochelle Johnson. Rochelle talks about the group exhibition that she’s a part of at BMoCA – “From This Day Forward”, her pieces in the exhibit, eliciting an emotional response with art, responding to Covid-19 and 2020 with her art, art sales in 2020, pandemic art, narrative in art, empathy and painting, painting as a prayer…


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Ep. 062 - Artboss – Julia Rymer Brucker & Jessica Loving-Campos, “creativepreneurs”

Wes and Todd talk with Artboss Co-Founders, Julia Rymer Brucker & Jessica Loving-Campos about how artboss came about, art schools and business education, art business mentoring, co-op galleries, empowering fellow creatives, workshops, pivot + polish, diversifying income streams, Covid and creative thinking, importance of social media and what platforms are advantageous, routine and scheduling, elevator pitches, being bold, finding your voice, success stories, tips for emerging and veteran artists, and a whole lot more.


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Ep. 019 Krista Hanley - Art Advisor & Art Coordinator

Krista Hanley talks about art collecting, collection management and art appraisal. She describes the essentials of artist and collector relationships, pricing, artist residencies, and a plethora of important things that artists need to be aware of when approaching galleries and shows.


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