Ep. 086 Jeff Velarde – Painter, Photorealism

Jeff talks with Wes and Todd about his exposure to art as a child, how art keeps him balanced, seeing some of his favorite art masterpieces in person, working as an Art Director for Z-Axis, traveling and how it influences his painting, balancing family with work and his fine art, working large, process, commissions, his solo exhibition “City Beats, Light and Shadow” at Bitfactory, and leaves us with some advice to aspiring Artists.


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Ep. 028 W. Max Thomason - Painter of Realism & Abstraction

Wes and Todd visit with artist and gallerist, W. Max Thomason. They talk about his journey as an artist, the different series he has explored, promotion and pricing, and then we change gears and talk about his gallery, Bitfactory, how it came about, the mission of the gallery, the studios that he runs in conjunction with the gallery, and the business side of having a gallery.


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